- Name : 何振盛 HE JHEN SHENG
- Email :
- Office Tel No. : 22000,22312
- Research Expertise : 政黨政治、公共關係、兩岸關係研究、台灣變遷、非營利組織、憲法與憲政 (Party politics, public relationship, Cross-strait relations research, Taiwan's change, Non-profit organizations, Constitution and constitutionalism)
Current Course
: FL29800 未來趨勢與生涯發展(Future Trends and Career Development)
FL29700 未來想像與未來工作坊(Futures’ Imagination and Workshops)
HS50900 非營利組織研究(Studies on Non-Profit Organizations)
- Name : 林香君 LIN SIANG JYUN
- Email :
- Office Tel No. : 22321
- Research Expertise : 方法論、敘說行動研究、表達性治療、後現代諮商、教育輔導、團體動力 (Methodology, Narrative Action Research Methodology, Expressive therapy, Postmodern consultation, Educational counseling, Group dynamics)
Current Course
: FL38000 助人關係與陪伴藝術(Helping Relationship and the Art of Companionship)
HS5BL00 後現代助人理論、技術與批判(Postmodern Counseling : Theories, Techniques and Critics)
HS5BO00 生命發展與性/別.族群.階級專題研究(Study on the Effect of sexual/gender, racial and social classes in Life Development)
- Name : 汪雅婷 WANG YA TING
- Email :
- Office Tel No. : 22317
- Research Expertise : 擊樂演奏、音樂教育、音樂療癒、音樂創作、表演藝術、生理與營養、樂活實踐 (Playing music, musical education, Music healing, Music creation, Performance art, Physiology and nutrition, Lohas practice)
Current Course
: FL15600 生命教育講座(Forum of Life Education)
GE59001 音樂欣賞(Appreciation of Music)
GE28202 三生講會(Speeches on Three Lives)
HS5BI00 音樂養生專題研究(Study of Music and Health Care)
- Email :
- Office Tel No. : 22323
- Research Expertise : 腦功能與靈性成長、身心靈健康與科技觀測、全人健康促進與管理、樂活養生方案規劃、輔助與整合健康、丹道與經絡能量養生 (Brain Function and Spiritual Growth, Body Mind Spirit Health and Scientific Observation, Holistic Health Promotion and Management, LOHAS Healthcare Program Planning, Complementary and Integrative Health, Dandao and Meridian Energy Cultivations)
Current Course
: FL15000 樂活養生與健康福祉(Life Cultivation and Health and Well-being)
FL13600 輔助與整合健康導論(Introduction to Auxiliary and Integrated Health)
FL35800 身心能量檢測原理與應用(Measurement Principle and Application of Body-Mind-Energy)
HS01100 樂活整合行銷傳播(Integrated Marketing Communication of LOHAS Industry)
- Name : 黃秋蓮 HUANG CIOU LIAN
- Email :
- Office Tel No. : 22316
- Research Expertise : 休閒效益、社區觀光、生態旅遊、休閒農業 (Leisure benefit, Community sightseeing, Eco-tourism, Leisure agriculture)
Current Course
: FL13800 休閒與健康(Leisure and Health)
FL29600 遊憩資源調查與創意遊程規劃(Survey of Recreational Resources and Creative Tour Planning)
FL38500 銀髮健康促進理論與實務(Elderly Health Promotion Theory and Practice)
FL12800 專業實習(Professional Practice)
HS5B100 社會變遷與樂活產業研究(Social Change&Lohas Industry Studies)
- Name : 周鴻騰 ZHOU HONG TENG
- Email :
- Office Tel No. : 22325
- Research Expertise : 環境與健康、環境教育課程系統規劃與評量、氣候變遷教育與永續發展 (Environment and health, Environmental Education Curriculum System Planning and Assessment, Climate change education and sustainable development, Filial piety, Ankang, study tour)
Current Course
: FL14700 環境與健康(Environment & Health)
GE26901 幸福人生與道德思辨(Well-being & Moral Thinking)
HS52600 氣候變遷調適、休閒農業與健康產業專題(ClimateChange Adaptation ,Leisure Agriculture and Health Industry)
- Name : 陳建智 CHEN JIAN ZHI
- Email :
- Office Tel No. : 22300,22320
- Research Expertise : 行為科學的研究、健康促進與管理、健康傳播與服務、健康方案監測與評估 (Healthy Behavioral Science, Health Promotion and Management, Health Industry Development and Trends, Health Program Design and Evaluation)
Current Course
: FL13400 人口健康與消費者行為理論(Population Health and Consumer Behavior Theory)
FL38500 銀髮健康促進理論與實務(Elderly Health Promotion Theory and Practice)
FL12800 專業實習(Professional Practice)
FL14800 衛生與福利政策(Health and Welfare Policy)
GE29401 健康好YOUNG(Very Young Health)
- Name : 呂萬安
- Email :
- Office Tel No. : 21812
- Research Expertise : 中醫基礎學、中醫養生學、針灸醫學、中醫實務學、生理信號分析 (Basics of traditional Chinese medicine, Health promotion of Chinese medicine, Acupuncture and moxibustion, Practice of traditional Chinese medicine, Physiological signal analysis)
Current Course
: FL16100 基礎生理與解剖學(Basic Physiology and Anatomy)
FL14500 中西營養學(Chinese and Western Medicine Nutrition)
FL37400 基礎經絡理論與針灸(Basic Meridian Theory and Acupuncture)